Chuck Runyon, the CEO at Self Esteem Brands including the wildly popular Anytime Fitness, covers ROEI vs ROI, the 4 P's of work, finding your purpose, the business lesson of It's a Wonderful Life, the balance of work and play, and why Anytime spends the big bucks as a company... Read More
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Entrepreneur, author, and Founder / CEO of Vanderbloemen Search Group, William Vanderbloemen, explains the dynamics of creating an irresistible workplace, the 3 main reasons people leave their jobs (4 for millennials), what Saturday morning cartoons have to do with job retention, why most cultural problems boil down to hiring problems,... Read More
As many workers begin to return to the office, anxiety about reinstating "normalcy" is skyrocketing, and it is becoming increasingly apparent that many workplaces can't just return to "normal." Speaking with host Dan Moore, author, award-winning company culture expert, and SparkVision Founder MaryBeth Hyland tackles the challenges of reinstituting a... Read More
Many exciting things have been happening at Southwestern Family of Companies. As you may have read in our previous editions, we rebranded our logo and modernized our website to reflect our brand’s mission and direction. As part of that direction, we’ve worked to also update the inside of our building... Read More
Award-winning journalist and CNN Chief Climate Correspondent Bill Weir shares the story of his new book LIFE AS WE KNOW IT (CAN BE): Stories of People, Climate, and Hope in a Changing World, explains why reporting on climate includes reporting on EVERYTHING, the one thing that makes humans special from every... Read More
Nationally recognized speaker, author, and former NCAA head coach and championship player Matt Doherty talks about having your own personal Board of Directors, why business is a contact sport, defining culture in terms of donuts, using a healthy dose of tension, the 3 biggest things that impact your life trajectory, the... Read More
TV/radio/podcast host, and Chairman of the C-Suite Network, Jeffrey Hayzlett, talks about creating “LinkedIn on steroids”, setting conditions of satisfaction, and his relationship with Donald Trump, and why mood overcomes culture, why it’s not the lucky who win (it’s the relentless), how to make a policy of “Big Dogs Only”,... Read More
Zika Metaxa, author and part of the internationally-known Metaxa family spirits business founded by her ancestors in 1888, talks about the unique challenges of a family business in a country where women are often overlooked, fighting the culture her family thrived in, "finding her own star", breaking generational cycles, and... Read More
Joe Phoenix, the co-founder and CEO of Givinga, a financial technology firm focused on redefining philanthropy through modern technology, covers the changing definition of philanthropy, the culture-building strength of giving together, his 5 main rules to follow for building and managing teams, the leadership value of being the dumbest person... Read More
As long-time Director of Communications for Southwestern Advantage, Trey Campbell is familiar with the daily surprises that come with the world of strategic communications and public affairs. “I like the challenge of PR,” Campbell says. “There’s always something to share or communicate, something to problem-solve.” When there’s a crisis on... Read More