There are two major components that go into having the type of confidence that you see in the most successful people around. So many people believe that people are either born with confidence or they are not. However, I believe you can develop confidence. You can learn confidence, and when you’re willing to do the deep work, you are already displaying confidence.
The first element of boosting your confidence is faith. Faith is intangible. Think of people in your life or people you know of that have changed the world in a positive way—did they have extraordinary faith? Of course, they did! Faith is the magic ingredient. Many people can’t put their finger on it, but it’s there and helping them change the world.
You have to have faith to lead people into an area that is unknown. And when it comes down to it, faith conquers fear. Faith works best when aligned with vision. You can have faith in other people, in a mission, or in your calling. When you have faith, you’re not focused on yourself.
Once you have faith, it starts to blend into your beliefs. Your beliefs are the bedrock of your confidence. So many people are like ships without a rudder, drifting through life not really knowing what they believe. What do you believe? If you can’t clearly and concisely answer that question, take some time now to think about it and reflect on your beliefs.
When you know what your core beliefs are, then you start to have faith in what can happen. Faith will drive you to accomplish the unseen.
Faith + Belief = Confidence
Ultimately, faith and belief lead to confidence. Sometimes in business, you aren’t sure if the ground is going to be there when you step on it. I encourage you to take the step anyway. It needs to be grounded in your beliefs and driven by your faith.
When you believe in something, you can speak with confidence. You can close more business. You can recruit. You can develop a new business. All because you have the faith in your beliefs that leads you to have the confidence that you will succeed.
When you know what you believe, you have the right habits, and you focus on the controllables, you will have confidence at the end of every day. When you go to bed at night, you will know you left it all on the table and you gave it all that you had.